Five Tips For Driving With Your Pet
- August 26, 2023
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Whether it’s a dog, cat or another kind of furry friend, pets require preparation before embarking on a road trip adventure. We’ve got you covered, though, with our top pet travel tips. Follow these steps & you and your co-pilot will have an awesome road trip!
1. Never leave your animal alone in a parked vehicle.
This is by far the most important rule. According to the ASPCA you should always stay with your pet in the car. During the summer, a parked vehicle can quickly turn into a hot oven, even with the windows open or the sundown. The reverse is true in the winter. In addition to the dangers to your pet’s health leaving them alone also makes them more vulnerable to theft.
2. Don’t feed your pet in a moving vehicle.
Pets can succumb to motion sickness easily & feeding them in a moving vehicle can initiate this. Also, even if you sneak your pet an occasional bite of human food at home, don’t give him any while traveling. Though it may be tempting to treat your pet to some tasty people eats like a bite of a cheeseburger or a french fry, human foods, especially the greasy fast foods so easily found on the road could seriously upset your pet’s stomach.
3. Make sure your pet has identification.
Make sure your pet has a microchip for identification and wears a collar with a tag imprinted with your home address, as well as a temporary travel tag with your cell phone, destination phone number and any other relevant contact information.
4. Keep pets in a safe crate or carrier.
According to The Red Cross not only does placing pets in secured carriers protect them from abrupt stops, but it also protects the driver from distractions. Use a crate that’s large enough for your pet to stand, sit, lie down and turn around in. All cats should be in a crate or carrier, dogs can be either in crate or carrier or restrained in a special harness that attaches to the seat belt.

5. Don’t forget their supplies.
Last, before you hit the road with your pet, make sure you have the right supplies. Here are a few items to pack for your pet:

- Temporary travel tag for your pet’s collar that includes a cell phone number where you can be reached during the trip
- Rabies vaccination records (especially when traveling across state lines)
- Well-ventilated crate or carrier
- Waste scoops and plastic bags
- Food (don’t forget your pet’s favorite treats)
- First aid kit filled with medications, towels, antiseptic, super glue, and medical wrap
- Favorite toys, blankets, and pillows
- Plenty of drinking water