5 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Car
- August 25, 2023
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- Posted by NeverSayNo
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Happy New Year!
It’s that time of the year when we get inspired to make changes to improve our lives. Many of us vow to get healthier, walk more, eat locally, and so on, but have you ever made a resolution when it comes to caring for your car? No? You’re not alone. Let’s start 2021 off on a high note together & keep our cars healthy. We made it simple with these 5 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Car.
1. Stop Texting
Would you ever drive the length of a football field at 55 mph blindfolded? Well that’s essentially what you’re doing when texting while driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, texting behind the wheel takes a driver’s eye off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds, which is the time it takes to go from one end zone to the other. Dangerous? Incredibly. Deadly? You bet. Costly? Absolutely. Especially if you drive a truck or vehicle for a living and it has been taken off the road because you’ve been in a collision. No wonder so many vehicle companies are now incorporating video telematics (https://www.lytx.com/en-us/resources/articles/telematics) into their cars so they can keep tabs on any driver actions that could potentially cause a collision and prevent it before it has a chance to happen. Unfortunately, far too many drivers have a habit of typing & sending texts while behind the wheel. With the new year, it’s a good time to turn over a new leaf in this area, as it is extremely unsafe for you and others.
2. Check Tire Pressure
Your tires need special attention during winter. Cold temperatures decrease the air pressure in tires, which adds to the rolling resistance caused by snow & slush. Driving with the correct tire pressure improves your vehicle’s safety & gas mileage while extending tire life. Refer to the sticker on the inside of your driver-side door, & add air as needed. Aim to check it at every other fill-up.
3. Schedule Check-ups
Checkups identify signs of wear on your vehicle that may lead to a breakdown or component damage. Regular tune-ups & maintenance maximize your vehicle’s fuel efficiency & performance. Plus a trained technician can spot potential problems early, reducing the potential of high repair costs.
4. Keep Car Clean
Spilled drinks, food crumbs, & dirt make a vehicle look & smell bad. Toss your trash out after every commute. Clean messes promptly before stains & odor set in. Vacuum dirt before it abrades carpet & seat fibers. Also, go for a car wash! Don’t wait for someone to write “Clean Me” in the dust of your rear window.

5. Drive Smarter
Preventative car maintenance starts behind the wheel. Bad driving habits may cause your vehicle & its components to wear down more quickly. Let your car warm up on cold days. Accelerate & brake gently, lighten your car’s load by keeping the cargo area clear of extra unnecessary items. If you need more background on how you can keep your car running smoothly without the worry of taking it in for repairs constantly, you can check out blogs such as https://www.sprawlway.org/ for additional information.